viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014


A propòsit del desgel que sempre ve rere l'hivern i que obri el cor a la vida, vos deixe aquí una traducció meua de Maria-Mercè Marçal del llibre 'Desglaç' (1989):

I love you when I know you naked like a little girl,
like an open hand, like a high and tender call
that beckons me from a naked branch,
like a fish that forgets the fish hooks.

Like a terrified fish with a fish hook in its mouth.
Like an axe in the eyes of the mutilated child
in dreams, in flesh. Like blood that runs.
Naked like blood.

I love you when I know you naked like a knife,
like a vivid and offered leaf, like a thunderclap
that burns it, blind. Like the grass, like the rain.
Like my shadow, naked behind the frozen mirror.

As naked as a breast stuck to my lips.
Like the open lip of a toothless old man
Facing death. Like the disarmed
And open hour of thawing.
                       Maria-Mercè Marçal (from the book 'Desglaç' (Thawing), published in 1989)